Monday, May 21, 2012

What i've learned in middle school

For me, middle school sucked. I met a lot of "great" people who ended up not being so great. I've learned not to trust anyone. At all. I've learned so many new things about my self, that i heard through rumors. I don't want to grow up, but i don't want to stay here. This is definitely not the "best school in montgomery county" I won't miss the disgusting food, disgusting, lying, mean people, or the administration(excluding some). I want to go to High school so i can leave this place. But i mostly learned bad things from middle school. I learned a lot school wise as in math and ela but other than that. I learned some serious life lessons. I wish my experience was better, but honestly, it wasn't. This year was the best out of all of them. I hope High School is better. But it probably won't be. :3

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Field day '12

Yesterday was field day and it was fun. It started off boring with no music and us just sitting around, but then it started to pick up. I got sunburn on my nose which is very inconvient because the dance is tomorrow. -.-
I hung out with all my friends and had a great time. I ran and did all that stuff. Today i am limping around because i bruised my ribs and hurt my leg. My left eye is super red because of allergies. But other than that it was fun. I'm going to miss everyone.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

11 1/2 days

The end of the school year is fastly approaching. This year has flown by, it seems only yesterday was the first day of school. I've met so many new people and became friends with people i never would have. I have to say 8th grade has been memorable. Everyday was an adventure. I never went a day without laughing this year. It's been the best year yet i do believe. A lot of people are moving this year. I'm especially going to miss Danielle. We've grown so close. It's hard to imagine that tomorrow we are turning in our text books. Next week we go to the high school. Have our own dance(hooray!!!). I am going to miss this place. I've been here for 3 years and i've figured out where everything is. I know all the teachers by names. And they know be by name(is that good or bad...?)
I am going to miss every single one of you guys. I don't want to grow up and go to high school and leave all my friends behind. xc
But we have to grow up sometimes. We are going to be fresh meat over at the high school. o.o
To be honest i might cry on the last day. And i never cry so. -.-
High school here we come.. :/

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Have you ever had a dream?
A dream that when you woke up you were disappointed?
I have
I have those dreams all the time
I recently had one
About you and I
I was happy
You were happy too
Then i woke up
And came to school
Looked at you
And the feelings that were there
In the dream
Were gone
And we were just you and I
Not 'us'

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Go watch my Storybird

Go watch my storybird. It's about all my pets.
My two dogs Pepper and Bella.
And my cat Bruce. And my kitten COpper

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bless the fall

There are some bands I've never liked. But some days i am on Pandora and come across a band i don't like, but i decide not to skip it. Before yesterday i didn't really like Bless the Fall. But now i'm in love with them. :3
There songs are really good. I think my favorite right now is "To (insert place here) and back". It's funny how you can not like something but one day your whole perspective of it changes and you're in love with them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So, everybody loves Batman
What does he do?
He has no super powers at all.
He just goes around with his little gadgets
And saves people.
So technically he isn't a superhero
Just a hero
So i think my favorite superhero's are Ironman and Spiderman. Maybe Superman.

Hey Karina....:3

I found some things you might like :3

Crazy cat lady

I don't know when this started, but, i have an obsession.
With Cats :3
Everyone calls me the crazy cat lady because cats are my favorite animal. And i have 2.
I only have ginger cats though. :3
Cause im coo
I've decided that if i don't get married and have kids
I'll just have 20 billion cats.
Meow :D
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10 Places i'd rather be

1. Home, asleep
2. Effingham, Illinois
3. The beach
4. Gatlinburg
5. Kansas city, Kansas
6. Oregon
7. With my dad
8. Beech Bend
9. Dollywood
10. With that special boy..

Monday, April 30, 2012


This weekend Danielle and I went browsing for dresses. I tried on a bunch of dresses but two i really like. A pink one and a white with pink one. Danielle found a yellow one. I'm not sure which dress i really want so we are going again next weekend to actually buy the dresses for the 8th grade dance. ^o^

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Long distance relationships

There isn't much you can do when someone lives far away. There are letters, post cards, email, video chat, Facebook, twitter, tumblr, and texting. But it's not the same. It can never be the same. I personally support long distance relationships. Because if you. Like someone so much that you won't let them go when they move. Then you're brave. I like this boy, and he likes me. But he lives 513 miles away. He hates long distance relationships. So did I. Until I met him. So, we decided we'd be better off, not dating each other because of the distance. But distance sucks.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fashion c;

One of my favorite things to do is shop. I like to spend money. :D
I spend all my money on clothes, jewelry, etc. I design clothes in my spare time. Fashion is one of my callings. I put together all my outfits. I think i might go to college to learn Fashion Design. But i also want to be a forensic scientist so. -.-

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This weekend

Friday night my friend Haley stayed the night. We had just sat down around 7 'clock to eat. Me, being forgetful, forgot to get my drink. So i got up and got some water. There was a knock on my door, which was weird, because who would be at my door at 7? My mom unlocked the door and my best friend threw himself   into my moms arms. I think i was in a state of shock? I was surprised. His hair was black, he was 4 ft. taller than 8 months ago. Taller than me. o.o He walked over and engulfed me in a hug. I started crying. Happy tears.   Smearing my makeup all over his green shirt. It was a long hug that lasted for about 5 minutes. His mom and him drove all the way from Georgia to see me. We roasted marshmallows, hung out with some people, and watched scary movies. The next day, Addison and  I went running around 7 a.m. We came home, ate breakfast, and then walked to Karina's. We got Karina and then went back to my house. Addison, Karina, Haley, and I all went swimming. My pool was really cold. -.-

Haley went home. Karina, Addison, and I all ate. Then had a fire. Addison played with the fire resulting in embers landing on Karina's foot. Everyone went home and Addison and I stayed up and watched scary movies. Sunday, Addison, His mom, My mom, My brother, and I all went to the mall. We had Subway for lunch, then, went shopping. Addison and I got matching Finn(from adventure time) snapbacks. Then, we went and saw the Hunger Games(again). We went home, got Karina, and went swimming.

Monday, Addison's last day. I stayed home from school and we watched scary movies all day. Around 2 o'clock we ate, got ready, and headed to Karina's. We picked up Karina, and then Silvia. We went back to my house and hung out for 2 hours? Then, Jessica showed up. We had to say our goodbye's to Addison . I cried. And so did Silvia. Karina started to also. We had a billion goodbyes. Then Silvia, Karina, and I, tried to hide in the Hummer to go with them. That didn't work out.

After Addison left. Karina, Silvia, and I talked to my mom. She told us about how people at her work. Lock themselves inside of houses and cars. -.-

This weekend was the best I've had in a LONG time. I'm sad my best friend left. But in the summer i am driving out to see him. A 14 hour drive. -.-

Friday, April 13, 2012


A lot of people have secret talents that no one would ever guess. Some people can dance really good. Some people can play instruments. Some people have "special" talents...
One of my secret talents i don't tell anyone about is that i'm a singer. I belt out to songs in the car and why'll running. I get strange looks from my neighbors because my music is so loud.
I don't tell anyone i'm a good singer, they usually just find out when i start singing. I would love to have a musical career.
Cause i love singing. c:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

30 days

We only have 30 days. 30 days until school is out for summer. 30 days until we leave middle school. 30 days until we say goodbye to our beloved friends and move or transfer. 30 days. That's a short period of time if you think about it. I'm really excited to go to High School. But then again, i'm not. I don't want to grow up. To those of you moving over the summer or transferring to a different High School, i'll miss you. But if you give me your number we can stay in touch. c:
I'll miss everyone, i've made some really good friends this year. It's going to be hard to say goodbye though :'c

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I don't get it -.-

How one week, you and someone can be fine and dandy. The next week, they won't talk to you, text you, or even acknowledge your existence. I personally find that hard to do. But yet, they make it look so easy. I don't want to ignore you, i don't want to hate you.

Things I do that may seem strange?

  • Eat ice, like it's food.
  • Read 
  • Chew my nails
  • Bite the straws in my drinks
  • Run
  • Watch Harry Potter religiously
  • Sing
  • Scrapbook
  • Wear over sized sweatshirts
  • Sleep rather than go to my friends house
  • Have a weekly craving for Chinese,Japanese,or Mexican food
  • Play video games
  • Hang out with guys instead of girls
  • Have more guy friends than girl friends
  • Wear shorts in the winter
  • Hate being white
  • Family guy, like every night bruh.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ok. So on Youtube, i watch a lot of celebrities. One being Shane Dawson. I'm in love with this man. Like no joke. cx
He posts his vlog everyday. And i've literally seen every single one of his videos. He does parodies of songs and comedy too. cx
He wrote a song, sung it, made a music video, and put it up last Saturday. It's on Itunes. And i bought it. I always have his videos on why'll i'm getting ready in the morning.  Some of his videos are serious though. And some sad. But when i'm having a crappy day, i just go on Youtube and watch his videos.
I have a huge crush on him even though he is like 20
So  you should go check him out, and buy his new song Superluv on Itunes. <3

Friday, March 23, 2012

My momma c:

Today is my momma's 39th birthday. It's hard to believe she is 39 because she doesn't look like it at all. I keep teasing her and asking if she's 40 yet. But anyways.
I love my momma. I would be so upset if something happened to her. She treats me like an adult and let's me make my own decisions. It's neat because her birthday is 6 days before mine. So, this afternoon we are going to Illinois for her birthday. She wants to see her brother for her birthday. How cute. ._.
So because i love my mom, i'm sitting in the car for 4 hours today. ._.

One Direction c:

I'm in love with Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam.

They're absolutely gorgeous. I would love to meet them. Or marry them. :3 Either one works.
One Direction is the best boy band i've heard in a while. c:
But Niall's my favorite. :>

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games....come to me c;

I LOVE the Hunger Games. And it comes to theaters tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!:D
Sadly, though, i will be headed to Illinois so i can't see the midnight premier. :c
I will be seeing it very soon though. Probably on my birthday, at Opry Mills Mall(which opens on my birthday! Cx)
I will see it. No matter what. Cx
Cause. I'm in love with Peeta c;

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break

So, on Friday i'm being dismissed early(as i'm sure many other people will be too) to go to Illinois. My mom's birthday is Friday and the only thing she wants for her birthday is to go see her little brother. So, off to Illinois we  go! On Monday we will come back and resume Spring Break. My birthday is on the 29th so i'll be celebrating that. :3
My party is on the 31st(woop woop)

Other than that i'll just be chillin like a villain. c;

So if you want to hang out over spring break let me know. x3


One disease i'm verily aware about it.

It kills.

It takes people we'd thought we'd never have to lose.

But we do.

 Cancer kills the people we love and take for granted.

 My mom's best friend had cancer.

 And she died

. My grandpa had cancer and thankfully survived.

But some people aren't so lucky.

 There are so many different type's of cancers.
Heart, lung, skin, lymphoma and leukemia, breast, ovarian, pancreatic and leiomyosarcoma, liver, esophageal and stomach, melanoma, colon, multiple myeloma, brain, prostate, cervical, sarcoma, bone, bladder, head, neck, uterine, kidney,and  thyroid(my grandpa had this one).

I know people right now who are fighting cancer.

 Some aren't so lucky.

 We loose people to cancer.
Boyfriends, girlfriends, brothers,sisters,moms,dads,uncle,aunts,grandparents,cousins,nephews, nieces, grandsons, granddaughters,children, wife's, husbands, and friends.
Cancer is a serious issue and i hate it when people make fun of it.

 It isn't funny.

It's serious.

And heart breaking.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One of my favorite things to do

One of my favorite things to do in this whole world is go walking with my best friend.

We wouldn't have a destination.

 We didn't know where we were going or how long it would take to get there.

We just went.

 Got away from the world for a while.

We would talk about our problems, or not talk at all.

We just walk.

 Until it got dark.

And i miss it, so much. And i wonder how different things would be if he were here. </3


I love being able to walk outside of school and feel the sun on my skin, like I've never felt it before.

 I can feel it soaking into my pores and it's one of the best feelings in the world.

I love being able to lay on my porch and sleep in the sun.

Hoping to get some tan.

 I like being able to wear shorts in March.

I love running and dying of the heat.

 I like jumping into the pool.

 I like walking around bare foot and burning my feet on the pavement.

I like the smell of freshly cut grass.

 I love going to Gatlinburg to go tubing.

 I like the smell of sunscreen.

 I like getting blackberries off my bush.

 I like getting pushed in the pool by my dad and best friend when i'm fully clothed.

I like buying the prettiest swimsuit i can find.

 I like laying on a tube in the pool and drifting to sleep.

I like going on picnics in the middle of nowhere.

I like going to beach bend park.

I like going to Kentucky and locking the keys to the car and not having any signal. At all. Then hitching a ride from strangers to get signal. >.>

I like the nights where i can go out and look at the stars.

I like running and getting fireworks shot at my butt with my best friend.

I like barbecues.

I like roasting marshmallows.

I like turning off my phone and computer and just going away for a while.

Those are some things i like about spring and summer. ^0^

Surprises .-.

I absolutely positively HATE surprises. I like knowing what's going on and when. I don't like being "surprised" no matter what it is. If somethings going on i have to know about it. >.>
My mom told me last night that they had a surprise for me on my birthday. Now, i'm going to be trying to find out what it is. .-.
It's best just to not tell me about the surprise.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Some people care, some people don't.

I am one of those who don't.

A long time ago i used to care, and cry when something bad happens.

Not anymore.

The thing is, the more you care, the more disappointed you'll end up. The people like me, used to care. Then someone came along and messed them up. Taught them that they were caring just to much.

It's so much easier if you just stop. .-.

Trust me.

Why being in the military sucks. >.>

My dad is in the Air Force, so thankfully, i've never had to move. But it doesn't make it any less painful. My dad has been deployed so many time so can't even count. .-.
He is being deployed...again...a week after my birthday this year. Thing is, my birthday is March 29th.
But another thing is, living in Clarksville, we are right next to Fort Campbell, which is a base. So, all my friends, end up moving, eventually. And it just plain sucks. .-.

The 5 things i couldn't live without. Like seriously. Never. >.>

1. My makeup
  Without my makeup i would look like a zombie. ._. As long as i have foundation and eyeliner, i'm all good.

Obviously, i would have to have clothes to survive. I would die of hypothermia without them. And i'm not going to walk around in the nude. o.o

                                                                                      Cause you know, i'm a fattie. c;

4. My cell phone
It's basically attached to my hand when i'm not at school, i love it c':
Without it i wouldn't be able to communicate with my friends or family.

I could probably live without Facebook, but i have to have music. I would die without music. >.<

Monday, March 12, 2012

Some of my favorite lyrics(stolen from Silvia ^o^)


So, we're all 90's kids and we grew up watching shows like PowerPuff Girls, Scooby Doo, Dexter's Labratory, and Rugrats. Most people don't even remember those shows, and by the time we have kids, we probably won't remember either. So, here is one of my favorite shows from the 90's: Hamtaro. This show is about Hamsters who can talk. Every day when their owners leave for school or work they get out and meet each other at their clubhouse. I love this show and my little brother loves it too. Of course in 2003 it stopped airing on Cartoon Network, so my little brother never got to watch it on t.v. But he has Hamtaro toys and dvds. ^o^
I used to care, and it killed me.

Friday, March 9, 2012

So everyone hates Facebook drama and i see a lot of it, so i posted about it. Causing, even more, Facebook drama.
What are you going to do?
Caps lock me to death?


Thursday, March 8, 2012

There is one thing i would love to change about me, my indecisiveness. .-.
I can never choose one thing over the other and i'm always going back and changing my mind again and again. Along with my OCD this becomes very very aggravating. I tell someone something then take it back, then tell them it again, then take it back. .-.
I hate not being able to make a decision and stick with it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Go watch the video, the whole video, it may be boring at first but then it becomes serious. Share it, reblog it, share it again, post it on Facebook. We want to make Joesph Kony famous, he needs to be stopped and this is how  we're doing it. No matter democratic or republican we can top him, together.