Wednesday, March 21, 2012


One disease i'm verily aware about it.

It kills.

It takes people we'd thought we'd never have to lose.

But we do.

 Cancer kills the people we love and take for granted.

 My mom's best friend had cancer.

 And she died

. My grandpa had cancer and thankfully survived.

But some people aren't so lucky.

 There are so many different type's of cancers.
Heart, lung, skin, lymphoma and leukemia, breast, ovarian, pancreatic and leiomyosarcoma, liver, esophageal and stomach, melanoma, colon, multiple myeloma, brain, prostate, cervical, sarcoma, bone, bladder, head, neck, uterine, kidney,and  thyroid(my grandpa had this one).

I know people right now who are fighting cancer.

 Some aren't so lucky.

 We loose people to cancer.
Boyfriends, girlfriends, brothers,sisters,moms,dads,uncle,aunts,grandparents,cousins,nephews, nieces, grandsons, granddaughters,children, wife's, husbands, and friends.
Cancer is a serious issue and i hate it when people make fun of it.

 It isn't funny.

It's serious.

And heart breaking.

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