Monday, April 30, 2012


This weekend Danielle and I went browsing for dresses. I tried on a bunch of dresses but two i really like. A pink one and a white with pink one. Danielle found a yellow one. I'm not sure which dress i really want so we are going again next weekend to actually buy the dresses for the 8th grade dance. ^o^

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Long distance relationships

There isn't much you can do when someone lives far away. There are letters, post cards, email, video chat, Facebook, twitter, tumblr, and texting. But it's not the same. It can never be the same. I personally support long distance relationships. Because if you. Like someone so much that you won't let them go when they move. Then you're brave. I like this boy, and he likes me. But he lives 513 miles away. He hates long distance relationships. So did I. Until I met him. So, we decided we'd be better off, not dating each other because of the distance. But distance sucks.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fashion c;

One of my favorite things to do is shop. I like to spend money. :D
I spend all my money on clothes, jewelry, etc. I design clothes in my spare time. Fashion is one of my callings. I put together all my outfits. I think i might go to college to learn Fashion Design. But i also want to be a forensic scientist so. -.-

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This weekend

Friday night my friend Haley stayed the night. We had just sat down around 7 'clock to eat. Me, being forgetful, forgot to get my drink. So i got up and got some water. There was a knock on my door, which was weird, because who would be at my door at 7? My mom unlocked the door and my best friend threw himself   into my moms arms. I think i was in a state of shock? I was surprised. His hair was black, he was 4 ft. taller than 8 months ago. Taller than me. o.o He walked over and engulfed me in a hug. I started crying. Happy tears.   Smearing my makeup all over his green shirt. It was a long hug that lasted for about 5 minutes. His mom and him drove all the way from Georgia to see me. We roasted marshmallows, hung out with some people, and watched scary movies. The next day, Addison and  I went running around 7 a.m. We came home, ate breakfast, and then walked to Karina's. We got Karina and then went back to my house. Addison, Karina, Haley, and I all went swimming. My pool was really cold. -.-

Haley went home. Karina, Addison, and I all ate. Then had a fire. Addison played with the fire resulting in embers landing on Karina's foot. Everyone went home and Addison and I stayed up and watched scary movies. Sunday, Addison, His mom, My mom, My brother, and I all went to the mall. We had Subway for lunch, then, went shopping. Addison and I got matching Finn(from adventure time) snapbacks. Then, we went and saw the Hunger Games(again). We went home, got Karina, and went swimming.

Monday, Addison's last day. I stayed home from school and we watched scary movies all day. Around 2 o'clock we ate, got ready, and headed to Karina's. We picked up Karina, and then Silvia. We went back to my house and hung out for 2 hours? Then, Jessica showed up. We had to say our goodbye's to Addison . I cried. And so did Silvia. Karina started to also. We had a billion goodbyes. Then Silvia, Karina, and I, tried to hide in the Hummer to go with them. That didn't work out.

After Addison left. Karina, Silvia, and I talked to my mom. She told us about how people at her work. Lock themselves inside of houses and cars. -.-

This weekend was the best I've had in a LONG time. I'm sad my best friend left. But in the summer i am driving out to see him. A 14 hour drive. -.-

Friday, April 13, 2012


A lot of people have secret talents that no one would ever guess. Some people can dance really good. Some people can play instruments. Some people have "special" talents...
One of my secret talents i don't tell anyone about is that i'm a singer. I belt out to songs in the car and why'll running. I get strange looks from my neighbors because my music is so loud.
I don't tell anyone i'm a good singer, they usually just find out when i start singing. I would love to have a musical career.
Cause i love singing. c:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

30 days

We only have 30 days. 30 days until school is out for summer. 30 days until we leave middle school. 30 days until we say goodbye to our beloved friends and move or transfer. 30 days. That's a short period of time if you think about it. I'm really excited to go to High School. But then again, i'm not. I don't want to grow up. To those of you moving over the summer or transferring to a different High School, i'll miss you. But if you give me your number we can stay in touch. c:
I'll miss everyone, i've made some really good friends this year. It's going to be hard to say goodbye though :'c

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I don't get it -.-

How one week, you and someone can be fine and dandy. The next week, they won't talk to you, text you, or even acknowledge your existence. I personally find that hard to do. But yet, they make it look so easy. I don't want to ignore you, i don't want to hate you.

Things I do that may seem strange?

  • Eat ice, like it's food.
  • Read 
  • Chew my nails
  • Bite the straws in my drinks
  • Run
  • Watch Harry Potter religiously
  • Sing
  • Scrapbook
  • Wear over sized sweatshirts
  • Sleep rather than go to my friends house
  • Have a weekly craving for Chinese,Japanese,or Mexican food
  • Play video games
  • Hang out with guys instead of girls
  • Have more guy friends than girl friends
  • Wear shorts in the winter
  • Hate being white
  • Family guy, like every night bruh.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ok. So on Youtube, i watch a lot of celebrities. One being Shane Dawson. I'm in love with this man. Like no joke. cx
He posts his vlog everyday. And i've literally seen every single one of his videos. He does parodies of songs and comedy too. cx
He wrote a song, sung it, made a music video, and put it up last Saturday. It's on Itunes. And i bought it. I always have his videos on why'll i'm getting ready in the morning.  Some of his videos are serious though. And some sad. But when i'm having a crappy day, i just go on Youtube and watch his videos.
I have a huge crush on him even though he is like 20
So  you should go check him out, and buy his new song Superluv on Itunes. <3