Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Glasses and Contacts. .-.

You know what i hate?
You know what else i hate?
So of course, i was born the wonderfulness of being almost blind. I have the worst vision in my entire family. .-.
So in the summer of '11 i decided i would not look like a freak with glasses, i would have contacts, then no one would know i was blinder than a bat. It took me FOREVER to figure out how to put in contacts, but now its easy. My contacts and i have a love/hate relationships. Some days they go in without a problem, other days it takes ten minutes for them to go in. .-.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another post about Summer :3

I hate cold weather, it urks me. So, with the weather getting warmer my mood is starting to get better and i'm becoming...nicer. o.o
I can't wait for summer cause then i can go swimming and tan :3 I hate being white :3

Monday, February 27, 2012

This Summer (:

This summer my best friend in the whole wide world is coming to see me! We are going to go to the mall and get best friend bracelets, necklaces, airbrushed shirts, and pictures done. We are also going to go see the Hunger Games. :3
This summer will be good except for the fact my dad is deploying. .-. Stupid Air Force. But hopefully this is the last time he has to go.

The Cinnamon Challlenge

So on Saturday, Heather and I decided it would be a great idea to do the cinnamon challenge and record it. Heather and I went out to the front of my house with 2 spoons, ground cinnamon, and a gallon of water. First off, the wind was blowing and it blew right into my eye(causing my eye to be swollen and red for the rest of the night :c) But anyway, we did it, I immediately coughed mine out, Heather actually swallowed hers with multiple gulps of water following. The cinnamon challenge is a terrible experience and it's disgusting. I don't think i'll ever go near cinnamon again. >.<

Friday, February 24, 2012

This weekend (:

Tonight Heather is coming over around 830 and we are watching scary movies all night long, then tomorrow we are doing the cinnamon challenge and recording it to put on Facebook. o.o
Saturday night my mom is having a bunch of our friends come over for ladies night ;3

One thing i love to do ;3

So here's me in the San Francisco airport on my way to Oregon. Me and my dad where going to fix my Grandpa's estate(he died) so we were doing his financial stuff. Anyway, i love to be on an airplane. Everyone else i know hates airplanes and airports and flying in general. I absolutely love to fly, my dad practically has to drag me out of the airport. .-.

My Halloween Party ;D

Me(with the white dress), Jessica(with the white hair), Richard(back of the head), Nelson(back of the head), Meri( Half faced ;3), Karina(thing 1), Gage(striped pants)
Oh the parties i have ;D
I had a Halloween Party a couple of days before Halloween, and if you've ever been to one of my parties you know they're amazing. So here's us. Roasting Weenies.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Classes i chose c:

English 1
9th Grade Math
World History
Marching Band
Freshman Focus
Physical Science.

Derp ;D

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Favorite video games :D

High School Class Registration

Ok, soooo today we are registering for our freshman classes, oh joy. .-. I don't know what i want to do in highschool! It's February for god's sake! .-. Well, i guess i'll choose cooking or child development. .-.


I have problems with trust, i hardly trust anyone. So, i think i can trust my "best friend" right? Wrong. You think since she is my 'best friend' she would keep anything i tell her a secret, unless i'm doing harm to myself or others. Apparently, there is only one person i can trust and only one person who is my real best friend. Names will not be named, but i know who i'm not gonna tell anything i want kept a secret. .-. Thank you, for making my trust problems even worse.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mah favorite football team(s)

The Oregon Ducks *u* I love the Oregon Ducks. My family lives in Oregon so i always try and go to the  stadium. :3

The San Francisco 49ers. Even though they suck at playing, i stand faithfully behind them.  :3

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm the one who always CARES

I'm the one who is always THERE

I'm the one who always FIGHTS
I'm the one who always LOVES
So why
Do I
Get treated

I really wish i knew.

I feel like a nerd posting this

I remember the really good Pokemon, the classics, Squirtle, Charmander, etc. Before Pokemon had a love twist in some episodes, and all the characters cared about doing were catching and batlling Pokemon. Back in the good old days... before Pokemon turned to crap. I can't stand the new tv shows, although the video games are pretty good. *u*

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Things that urk me

1. Bad grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
2. Hypocrites
3. Grenade by Bruno Mars. (If a girl hates you,why in the world would you kill yourself for her?)
4. Valentine's day
5. Waking up early
6. Cold days
7. Snow
8. Skinny jeans
9. Extremely cold classrooms
10. Frizzy hair
11. Biting my nails
12. Messed up cuticles
13. School lunch
14. Dress codes
15. Scars
16. Paper cuts
17. Nails on a chalkboard
18. Facebook
19. Country Music(some)
20. Fake tans
21. Sunburns
22. Girls with extremely big/tiny eyebrows
23. Nutela
24. Auto correct
25. Rude "popular" girls.

Mah Sweatpants

Oh lawdy, i could write a paper about how much i love and adore my sweatpants.
When i am tired, i wear my sweatpants.
When it's the weekend, i wear my sweatpants.
When it's cold, i wear my sweatpants.
When i don't feel like going to school, i wear my sweatpants.
When i go to the store, i wear my sweatpants.
I love my sweatpants.
I am going to buy a billion pairs of sweatpants.
My sweatpants are torn up from me stepping on them.
My sweatpants go with everything.
If  something  happens to my sweatpants, i will cry.
I own three pairs of sweatpants.
:3 Yep yep.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The best movies of all time c:

Shrek 1, 2, 3, and 4 C;

This was the first movie that ever made me cry .-.

1966 Winnie the pooh c:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day

I hate Valentine's day and don't understand the point of it. Valentines Day is a day were you are supposed to show the person you love how much they mean to you. .-. Aren't you supposed to do that everyday? On this day people are showered in gifts and candy and flowers. And i'm walking around single, without anything. I honestly don't see why people waste their money on things that are going to get thrown away. I hate this holiday. .-.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Favorite Youtuber's

Micheal Buckley in: "What the buck?" show. xD
Simon's cats :v
Destery (:
Kingsley c:
Shane Dawson :D
Jenna Marbles ^o^

My favorite tv shows c:

Glee c:

Vampire Diaries
New Girl ^o^